From the Pastor's Pen 1/23/24
January 23rd, 2024
1/23/2024Dear Friends,As I sit here in my office this morning, I can hear voices coming from the Sewflakes that are meeting in the Fellowship Hall, and the MUMC Bible Study group getting ready to meet...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 1/16/24
January 16th, 2024
1/16/2024Dear Friends,Brrrr! It’s a chilly Tuesday on the Gulf Coast and I’m glad I have warm clothes, a warm house, and a warm office today! Brindley is glad she has a warm hoodie (oh, the cuteness)....  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 1/10/24
January 10th, 2024
1/10/2024Dear Friends,On Sunday, we talked about the wise men who followed the star to find the newborn King that had been promised. These men had to make a couple of big changes. One of these changes...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 1/4/24
January 4th, 2024
1/4/2024Dear Friends,HAPPY NEW YEAR!Looking back over 2023, I hope that you can see all the blessings that were sprinkled throughout your year and as we move into 2024, I pray that each one of you wil...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 12/19/23
December 19th, 2023
12/19/2023Dear Friends,Christmas is almost here! Be sure to check out all the events this week and join us for any and all of them!This Advent, our theme for Worship is Coming Soon. We have gone from ...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 12/12/23
December 12th, 2023
12/12/2023Dear Friends,It is that time of year when the pace of activities begins to pick up! There is some great stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks, so be sure to pay attention to that list ...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 12/5/23
December 5th, 2023
12/5/2023Dear Friends,It’s DECEMBER! Every year I am surprised by how quickly the year goes by, and this year that has been especially true with the extra activity surrounding my health.This Advent, o...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 10/17/23
October 17th, 2023
Dear Friends,I hope your week is off to a good start. The cooler temps are a nice change of pace that my husband and the dogs are enjoying a lot.On Sunday, we were reminded by Paul about how it is we ...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 10/10/23
October 10th, 2023
10/10/2023Dear Friends,First things first! I want to give an update with GOOD NEWS! Yesterday I got word that the specialized blood test that prior to chemo was highly positive is now NEGATIVE! This i...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 10/4/23
October 4th, 2023
10/4/2023Dear Friends,Well, hello there! It’s been awhile! While I have been undergoing cancer treatment, specifically chemotherapy, I was unable to regularly communicate with all of you through the w...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 6/30/23
June 30th, 2023
6/30/23Dear Friends,Last Sunday we spent some time talking about hospitality, and the ways in which we are called to care for and welcome one another. You see, hospitality isn’t just about welcoming p...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
From the Pastor's Pen 6/22/23
June 22nd, 2023
6/22/2023Dear Friends,On Sunday morning we talked a bit about lament. Lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow, and is found throughout scripture, a hint to us that lament is both a part o...  Read More
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen





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