January 16th, 2024
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen

Dear Friends,
Brrrr! It’s a chilly Tuesday on the Gulf Coast and I’m glad I have warm clothes, a warm house, and a warm office today! Brindley is glad she has a warm hoodie (oh, the cuteness). I hope that you are finding ways to stay warm.
This past Sunday, we focused in on things that may be lawful, but may not be beneficial. I told about a couple of the strangest “As Seen On TV” gadgets and we had a giggle as we considered the idea that just because it CAN be made, doesn’t mean it SHOULD be made, which also translates to just because we CAN do something, doesn’t mean we SHOULD do it. I gave the examples of Jim Crowe laws, apartheid, and even the holocaust as things that were lawful, but were absolutely not beneficial to anyone, much less the preyed upon and oppressed peoples that were the focus of these unjust laws.
As the body of Christ, we have the privilege and responsibility to make choices and take actions not just because we can, but through the lens of our faith that sees all people, and all the world, as beloved creations of God. We do this by standing up for the oppressed, speaking out against injustice, caring for our environment, and being thoughtful of how our actions – whether individual or as part of a larger community – impact the world around us.
Sunday worship service airs each week at 11:00 a.m. on Facebook and remains on our page for those who wish to watch at a later time. Find it here: https://www.facebook.com/GulfShoresFirstPresbyterianChurch.
Next Sunday, immediately following worship, we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting. During this meeting the budget will be presented, we will elect one more elder due to an opening on the Session, and approve the pastoral compensation package for the year. Please plan to attend.
Wednesday evening fellowship continues this week in the Fellowship Hall, at 5:30 p.m. Dinner is a potluck, so bring a dish to share. Conversation will also be “potluck,” so bring a conversation topic or two to place in a bowl and we will pull one or two out each week to guide our discussion.
Today, you should have received an email containing your 2023 Giving Statement. If you did not receive it, or if you would prefer a paper copy, please let me know and I will get it to you. In addition, if you see anything that needs to be corrected on your statement, please reach out and we will get it corrected and a new one issued.
I am over half-way done with my daily radiation treatments in Fairhope! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I appreciate all of you who have volunteered to drive me, and I will be in touch if and when I need your assistance. Updates are posted here: https://www.giveinkind.com/inkinds/V5A7Q4H/care-for-chrisy.
Coming Events:
Things continue to run smoothly with the Hand-in-Hand Business Center. Please remember that if you enter through the east doors to the building that the people in the Hand-in-Hand Business Center are there to work and do their jobs, so please be quiet and respectful of their time and space. If you need to enter the building and do not have a key, please come to the north entrance near the turquoise picnic tables and ring the bell for the office, rather than disturbing the business center tenants. Thank you for your cooperation.
Don’t forget:
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Dear Friends,
Brrrr! It’s a chilly Tuesday on the Gulf Coast and I’m glad I have warm clothes, a warm house, and a warm office today! Brindley is glad she has a warm hoodie (oh, the cuteness). I hope that you are finding ways to stay warm.
This past Sunday, we focused in on things that may be lawful, but may not be beneficial. I told about a couple of the strangest “As Seen On TV” gadgets and we had a giggle as we considered the idea that just because it CAN be made, doesn’t mean it SHOULD be made, which also translates to just because we CAN do something, doesn’t mean we SHOULD do it. I gave the examples of Jim Crowe laws, apartheid, and even the holocaust as things that were lawful, but were absolutely not beneficial to anyone, much less the preyed upon and oppressed peoples that were the focus of these unjust laws.
As the body of Christ, we have the privilege and responsibility to make choices and take actions not just because we can, but through the lens of our faith that sees all people, and all the world, as beloved creations of God. We do this by standing up for the oppressed, speaking out against injustice, caring for our environment, and being thoughtful of how our actions – whether individual or as part of a larger community – impact the world around us.
Sunday worship service airs each week at 11:00 a.m. on Facebook and remains on our page for those who wish to watch at a later time. Find it here: https://www.facebook.com/GulfShoresFirstPresbyterianChurch.
Next Sunday, immediately following worship, we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting. During this meeting the budget will be presented, we will elect one more elder due to an opening on the Session, and approve the pastoral compensation package for the year. Please plan to attend.
Wednesday evening fellowship continues this week in the Fellowship Hall, at 5:30 p.m. Dinner is a potluck, so bring a dish to share. Conversation will also be “potluck,” so bring a conversation topic or two to place in a bowl and we will pull one or two out each week to guide our discussion.
Today, you should have received an email containing your 2023 Giving Statement. If you did not receive it, or if you would prefer a paper copy, please let me know and I will get it to you. In addition, if you see anything that needs to be corrected on your statement, please reach out and we will get it corrected and a new one issued.
I am over half-way done with my daily radiation treatments in Fairhope! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I appreciate all of you who have volunteered to drive me, and I will be in touch if and when I need your assistance. Updates are posted here: https://www.giveinkind.com/inkinds/V5A7Q4H/care-for-chrisy.
Coming Events:
- Chair Yoga with Donna Holmes – Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
- Wednesday Evening Gathering & Potluck – 5:30 p.m. – Fellowship Hall (see above announcement)
- Annual Meeting – Sunday, January 21, immediately following worship
Things continue to run smoothly with the Hand-in-Hand Business Center. Please remember that if you enter through the east doors to the building that the people in the Hand-in-Hand Business Center are there to work and do their jobs, so please be quiet and respectful of their time and space. If you need to enter the building and do not have a key, please come to the north entrance near the turquoise picnic tables and ring the bell for the office, rather than disturbing the business center tenants. Thank you for your cooperation.
Don’t forget:
- Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
- The church can receive donations through Facebook, either by clicking on the “Donate” button on our Facebook Page, or through Fundraisers you can host on your own Facebook page.
- If you have more ideas about how we can creatively fund the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, reach out and let me know!
- Bring your Blessing Box donations (non-perishable items) to church on Sundays or drop them off at the box during the week.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Posted in Pastor\'s Pen
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
Minister of Word and Sacrament
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1 Comment
I'm glad to see you back in the saddle again. I'm praying for you and your ministry.