April 3rd, 2024
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen

Dear Friends,
And just like that another month is gone! March is over and April is upon us. The move to April also moves us past Lent and into Eastertide – the season between Easter and Pentecost. We had a wonderful day of celebration on Easter Sunday, where we celebrated the Lord’s Supper and heard from Mary Magdalene (or me pretending to be Mary) about her experiences of the last week of Jesus’s life. It was a great way to see the story from a different perspective that we hadn’t considered before.
Easter also marked the end of our Lenten series on Pause, but I hope that it is just the beginning of your relationship with taking purposeful times to pause in order to connect with God in new and life-giving ways.
Sunday morning worship is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube:
- https://www.facebook.com/GulfShoresFirstPresbyterianChurch
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyEBQcAb3quFG16z_vy-4lQ
There is much happening around here, and many ways for you to be involved in the life of the church.
Coming Events:
- Chair Yoga with Donna Holmes – Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
- Bible Study – Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.
NO Study 4/3 or 4/10
Will resume 4/17 - Presbyterian Pints – Sunday, April 7, following worship at Big Beach Brewing
- Monthly Wednesday Evening Gathering & Potluck – April 17 – 5:30 p.m. – Fellowship Hall
- MUMC Monthly Wednesday Evening Gathering – April 24 – 5:30 p.m. – Fellowship Hall – Pizza and Trivia
Tomorrow, April 4, I will have my next (and hopefully last) surgery. If you can help with meals following the surgery, a sign-up is available here: https://www.giveinkind.com/inkinds/V5A7Q4H/care-for-chrisy.
Things continue to run smoothly with the Hand-in-Hand Business Center. Please remember that if you enter through the east doors to the building that the people in the Hand-in-Hand Business Center are there to work and do their jobs, so please be quiet and respectful of their time and space. If you need to enter the building and do not have a key, please come to the north entrance near the turquoise picnic tables and ring the bell for the office, rather than disturbing the business center tenants. Thank you for your cooperation.
Don’t forget:
- Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
- We have two new ways to receive donations – PayPal and Venmo! See the graphic below for details!
- If you have more ideas about how we can creatively fund the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, reach out and let me know!
- Bring your Blessing Box donations (non-perishable items) to church on Sundays or drop them off at the box during the week.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Posted in Pastor\'s Pen
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
Minister of Word and Sacrament
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