June 5th, 2024
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen

Dear Friends,
I do believe it is finished. This week I got the “all-clear” from my doctor following my most recent surgery, meaning I can now lift, swim, and get back to doing whatever it is I might want to do. It has been a long 18 months, and I will continue to have various screenings to stay on top of things, but it feels GOOD to have all that behind me. I couldn’t have done it without the love, support, and gifts that you all have given to me and my family. I have said it to so many people over the last 18 months – I serve the BEST congregation and am so blessed to be here with you.
By now you have heard from Pam Winstead about her decision to step down as Music Director after 37 years. While this saddens all of us, this was the decision that she needed to make for her well-being. But never fear! She will still be around occasionally, and soon we will have opportunity to CELEBRATE her long-time service to this congregation. As soon as we have details of when that will happen, we will let everyone know.
For the next few weeks in worship, we will be looking at 1 & 2 Samuel to see the various ways in which God is at Work in the world. This past Sunday, we used the story of Samuel’s call to help us see that in order to partner with God’s work, we must be listening for the call, and that sometimes the call comes directly to our hearts from God, and sometimes we need people like Eli to help us see and understand that God is indeed calling us to be about God’s work in the world around us.
If you missed it, you can always watch on Facebook and YouTube:
Coming Events:
•Bible Study – Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.
•Bring a Friend to Church – Every Sunday we want to invite people to join us, but especially on the first Sunday of the month
•Presbyterian Pints – Sunday, July 7, following worship at Big Beach Brewing
Love on the Little Ones: We have a few little ones joining us for worship, and while they are always welcome to be in the service with us, sometimes it is helpful to the parents to have a little help. That being said, would you be willing to hang out with kiddos in the nursery on an occasional Sunday? Contact Jean Adcock to get on the Nursery Attendant schedule: (251) 504-4105.
Address Change: Please note, especially if you have checks sent through your bank, that the church no longer has a post office box. Our mailing address is now the same as our physical address: 309 E 21st Ave, Gulf Shores, AL 36542.
You may have noticed some new signage around the Hand-in-Hand Business Center. We have done this in an effort to both make the Business Center visible for the businesses located there, and to help direct people to the proper entries for the Business Center and the church. If you are coming to the church during the week, please enter using the doors on 21st Ave, rather than the Business Center doors. This will help maintain a business-like atmosphere for those businesses. The business owners thank you for your cooperation!
Don’t forget:
•Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
•If you have more ideas about how we can creatively fund the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, reach out and let me know!
•Bring your Blessing Box donations (non-perishable items) to church on Sundays or drop them off at the box during the week.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Dear Friends,
I do believe it is finished. This week I got the “all-clear” from my doctor following my most recent surgery, meaning I can now lift, swim, and get back to doing whatever it is I might want to do. It has been a long 18 months, and I will continue to have various screenings to stay on top of things, but it feels GOOD to have all that behind me. I couldn’t have done it without the love, support, and gifts that you all have given to me and my family. I have said it to so many people over the last 18 months – I serve the BEST congregation and am so blessed to be here with you.
By now you have heard from Pam Winstead about her decision to step down as Music Director after 37 years. While this saddens all of us, this was the decision that she needed to make for her well-being. But never fear! She will still be around occasionally, and soon we will have opportunity to CELEBRATE her long-time service to this congregation. As soon as we have details of when that will happen, we will let everyone know.
For the next few weeks in worship, we will be looking at 1 & 2 Samuel to see the various ways in which God is at Work in the world. This past Sunday, we used the story of Samuel’s call to help us see that in order to partner with God’s work, we must be listening for the call, and that sometimes the call comes directly to our hearts from God, and sometimes we need people like Eli to help us see and understand that God is indeed calling us to be about God’s work in the world around us.
If you missed it, you can always watch on Facebook and YouTube:
Coming Events:
•Bible Study – Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.
•Bring a Friend to Church – Every Sunday we want to invite people to join us, but especially on the first Sunday of the month
•Presbyterian Pints – Sunday, July 7, following worship at Big Beach Brewing
Love on the Little Ones: We have a few little ones joining us for worship, and while they are always welcome to be in the service with us, sometimes it is helpful to the parents to have a little help. That being said, would you be willing to hang out with kiddos in the nursery on an occasional Sunday? Contact Jean Adcock to get on the Nursery Attendant schedule: (251) 504-4105.
Address Change: Please note, especially if you have checks sent through your bank, that the church no longer has a post office box. Our mailing address is now the same as our physical address: 309 E 21st Ave, Gulf Shores, AL 36542.
You may have noticed some new signage around the Hand-in-Hand Business Center. We have done this in an effort to both make the Business Center visible for the businesses located there, and to help direct people to the proper entries for the Business Center and the church. If you are coming to the church during the week, please enter using the doors on 21st Ave, rather than the Business Center doors. This will help maintain a business-like atmosphere for those businesses. The business owners thank you for your cooperation!
Don’t forget:
•Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
•If you have more ideas about how we can creatively fund the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, reach out and let me know!
•Bring your Blessing Box donations (non-perishable items) to church on Sundays or drop them off at the box during the week.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Posted in Pastor\'s Pen
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
Minister of Word and Sacrament
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