May 31st, 2022
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen

Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday we will rejoice about the gift of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost. If you have some kind of red clothing in your closet, be sure to don it for worship and allow all the red in our sanctuary remind us of the Holy Spirit’s power given to us through Jesus Christ.
On Sunday morning, I shared a bit about my struggles last week in light of the latest round of gun violence at a school in Uvalde, Texas. We then took some time and looked at the prayer that Jesus prayed for his disciples (which includes us, by the way) just before his arrest and crucifixion. In his prayer, he prays that his followers might be united in mind and heart in the same way that he is one with the one he calls Father. Jesus acts as both an example of unity, and one who prays for that unity to be true for all his disciples, both present around him at that time, and all of those who would become disciples and believe in Jesus because of the unity and love they witness in the ones who have come before.
But Jesus didn’t stop with prayer. In fact, immediately after this prayer, he went out from that place and faced his arrest, trial, and death. He understood both the deep importance of prayer AND the imperative of following that prayer up with actions that changed the world.
Friends, I believe that the church is being asked to come together, in unity, yes, to pray, but also to move beyond prayer and act in such a way that shows the world the one that we serve. Through our unity, powered by love and undergirded with prayer we can act in ways that bring about much needed change, help and hope in our world. It is time for us to allow our prayers to be a catalyst to action, and not just something we do when we don’t know what else to do.
I don’t have the answers to how we stop, or even slow, the ever-present and deadly gun violence in our country, but something has to be done. Children must stop being collateral damage because of our inaction. People of color must stop being those sacrificed on the altar of white supremacy’s version of freedom. It is time for God’s church to come together and pray, not for God to magically fix it all, but for God to empower God’s church to stand up to injustice and violence, to hold those in power to a higher standard, and to show the world what happens when those who, in unity, live out the love of God in the world and bring God’s kingdom power into play.
In the bulletin on Sunday, I provided a list of those who represent us at both the state and federal levels, along with a sample letter that could be used to write to our elected officials about the problem of gun violence in our country. You can find that list and letter template below. I encourage you to reach out to these elected representatives in whatever way you feel is necessary. In addition to voicing our desires to those already in office, we can purpose to do the necessary research on those who are seeking election and re-election in the coming year, and use our vote to initiate needed change.
It is only when we come together in prayer and action that change will occur.
For those unable to join us in-person, Sunday morning worship is livestreamed on our Facebook page. The service airs each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and will be available to watch after that as well.
A couple of updates:
Thank you for your continued support of the Blessing Box! Keep bringing those items to church on Sunday, or dropping them at the box during the week. With rising costs of everything from gas to food, the box is being used very regularly, and your donations are key to helping us bless those who are in need of what our box can offer.
This summer is the bi-annual meeting of the General Assembly of the PC(USA). I am honored to be attending this year’s assembly as a Commissioner for the Presbytery of South Alabama. This is the time and space in which decisions are made concerning the workings and future of the PC(USA) and an opportunity for us to witness the progress and decisions made. You may be interested in receiving email updates regarding what is happening in the time leading up to and the time of the General Assembly. You can do that by registering here. I always think it is a good idea to be aware not only of what is happening at the local level, but also what is going on at the denominational level, and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to do just that.
Upcoming Events:
Weekly Events:
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday we will rejoice about the gift of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost. If you have some kind of red clothing in your closet, be sure to don it for worship and allow all the red in our sanctuary remind us of the Holy Spirit’s power given to us through Jesus Christ.
On Sunday morning, I shared a bit about my struggles last week in light of the latest round of gun violence at a school in Uvalde, Texas. We then took some time and looked at the prayer that Jesus prayed for his disciples (which includes us, by the way) just before his arrest and crucifixion. In his prayer, he prays that his followers might be united in mind and heart in the same way that he is one with the one he calls Father. Jesus acts as both an example of unity, and one who prays for that unity to be true for all his disciples, both present around him at that time, and all of those who would become disciples and believe in Jesus because of the unity and love they witness in the ones who have come before.
But Jesus didn’t stop with prayer. In fact, immediately after this prayer, he went out from that place and faced his arrest, trial, and death. He understood both the deep importance of prayer AND the imperative of following that prayer up with actions that changed the world.
Friends, I believe that the church is being asked to come together, in unity, yes, to pray, but also to move beyond prayer and act in such a way that shows the world the one that we serve. Through our unity, powered by love and undergirded with prayer we can act in ways that bring about much needed change, help and hope in our world. It is time for us to allow our prayers to be a catalyst to action, and not just something we do when we don’t know what else to do.
I don’t have the answers to how we stop, or even slow, the ever-present and deadly gun violence in our country, but something has to be done. Children must stop being collateral damage because of our inaction. People of color must stop being those sacrificed on the altar of white supremacy’s version of freedom. It is time for God’s church to come together and pray, not for God to magically fix it all, but for God to empower God’s church to stand up to injustice and violence, to hold those in power to a higher standard, and to show the world what happens when those who, in unity, live out the love of God in the world and bring God’s kingdom power into play.
In the bulletin on Sunday, I provided a list of those who represent us at both the state and federal levels, along with a sample letter that could be used to write to our elected officials about the problem of gun violence in our country. You can find that list and letter template below. I encourage you to reach out to these elected representatives in whatever way you feel is necessary. In addition to voicing our desires to those already in office, we can purpose to do the necessary research on those who are seeking election and re-election in the coming year, and use our vote to initiate needed change.
It is only when we come together in prayer and action that change will occur.
For those unable to join us in-person, Sunday morning worship is livestreamed on our Facebook page. The service airs each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and will be available to watch after that as well.
A couple of updates:
- We are now officially providing additional parking for Condo renters and others visiting the area through Gulf Cost Rental Company. As such, you may begin noticing additional use of our parking lot in the coming weeks. When you come on Sunday morning, please use the spaces that are adjacent to the church building or the section of parking in the East lot between the two driveway entrances. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Also, if you know of those who need a place to park during their visit, here is the link to share:
- Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
- COMING SOON! I am working on making it possible for you to make all your Amazon purchase through Amazon Smile, which will donate a portion of the purchase amount to the church. Also, I am also working toward the church being able to receive donations via Facebook. Keep watching for updates!
Thank you for your continued support of the Blessing Box! Keep bringing those items to church on Sunday, or dropping them at the box during the week. With rising costs of everything from gas to food, the box is being used very regularly, and your donations are key to helping us bless those who are in need of what our box can offer.
This summer is the bi-annual meeting of the General Assembly of the PC(USA). I am honored to be attending this year’s assembly as a Commissioner for the Presbytery of South Alabama. This is the time and space in which decisions are made concerning the workings and future of the PC(USA) and an opportunity for us to witness the progress and decisions made. You may be interested in receiving email updates regarding what is happening in the time leading up to and the time of the General Assembly. You can do that by registering here. I always think it is a good idea to be aware not only of what is happening at the local level, but also what is going on at the denominational level, and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to do just that.
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday, June 5, following our 11:00 a.m. Worship Service – Presbyterian Pints at Big Beach Brewing
Weekly Events:
- Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m. Hybrid Bible Study (in person and via Zoom)
- This week’s Lectionary Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-35; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17
- To join via Zoom, click this link. If prompted, use the passcode that follows.
- Meeting ID: 819 5139 8375; Passcode: 846358
- To call in on your phone, dial (312) 626-6799 and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
Minister of Word and Sacrament
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