January 26th, 2023
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen
by Rev. Chrisy Ennen

Dear Friends,
If it gives you any indication of how my week has been, I started this Pastor’s Pen on Tuesday, worked on it for a minute or two on Wednesday, and finally have the time to finish it today, on Thursday. But the busy-ness is all good stuff going on around here!
Tuesday we co-hosted another business seminar about how to start a business in Baldwin County. Over 30 people came to learn about how to do just that. Tuesday afternoon I got to hang out with my Kids Hope mentee and then rehearse with the choirs from both Gulf Shores and Orange Beach churches in preparation for our combined concert coming up in February. Tuesday evening I shared a meal and conversation with a number of you in our Fellowship Hall, time I enjoyed immensely. On Wednesday, I got to do a little rehearsing and brainstorming with Pam and a couple of others about some upcoming musical additions to our worship service, and then led Bible Study and spent time with a couple of ladies during Craft ‘n’ Chat. I can honestly say, I truly love being a part of this church family and all the good stuff happening here among us! These are just a few of the ways in which we answerr Christ’s call to spread the light of Christ into the world around us!
For those unable to join us in-person, Sunday morning worship is livestreamed on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/GulfShoresFirstPresbyterianChurch. The service airs each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and will be available to watch after that as well.
While our six full-time office spaces are FULL, Hand-in-Hand Business Center is working on more ways to serve small businesses and entrepreneurs in our community. Soon we will have conference room space that will be available for use, and co-working spaces are also in the works. We are also creating a wait-list for those interested in office space.
Don’t forget:
- If you know of those who need a place to park during their visit to Gulf Shores and they would like to use our parking lot, here is the link to share: https://www.premiumparking.com/P2658. You can also pick up postcards at the church to pass on to those who might be interested.
- Keep collecting that loose change and bring it every week to add to the collection! All of the loose change will go toward the ongoing ministry of the church, as we continue to spread the life-changing good news of God’s love.
- Want to help the church just by doing your normal Amazon shopping? Now you can! Just go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/63-0859397 and make all your purchases through this link! Each quarter the church will receive a donation equal to 0.5% of your total purchases.
- The church can now receive donations through Facebook, either by clicking on the “Donate” button on our Facebook Page, or through Fundraisers you can host on your own Facebook page.
- If you have more ideas about how we can creatively fund the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, reach out and let me know!
- For safety reasons, at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday, all the doors of the building will be locked EXCEPT the north door that leads into the narthex. If you find yourself running behind, just remember to park up front by that door and enter there.
- Bring your Blessing Box donations (non-perishable items) to church on Sundays or drop them off at the box during the week.
Upcoming Events:
- January 29 – Special Guest Preacher, Rev. Bob Madsen, Regional Presbyter and lunch following worship – details forthcoming
- Presbyterian Pints – February 5 following worship at Big Beach Brewing
- GCAA Art Market – February 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Red Cross Blood Drive – February 14, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.
- Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Combined Choir Concert – February 23, 6:30 p.m.
Weekly Events:
- Dinner and Discussion – Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall – bring a dish to share
- Chair Yoga led by Donna Holmes – Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Bible Study – Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. both in-person and on Zoom.
- Join the in-person group in the church Fellowship Hall
- Join the Zoom meeting at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81951398375?pwd=S0FBSEFxRmhhUWt2QnN3WERUY1dOUT09, entering the meeting ID and password below, if prompted.
- Meeting ID: 819 5139 8375; Passcode: 846358
- Next week’s scriptures: Isaiah 58:1-12; Psalm 112:1-10; I Corinthians 2:1-16; Matthew 5:13-20
- Craft ‘n’ Chat – Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Parlor – bring something you enjoy doing (yarn crafts, jewelry making, coloring, or anything else) and hang out with Pastor Chrisy for open conversation and creative time together.
As always, you are welcome to reach out to me via email, text or phone with any needs or just to chat!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
gsfpcpastor@outlook.com, (618) 980-9899
"Let all that you do be done in love.”
I Corinthians 16:14
Posted in Pastor\'s Pen
Rev. Chrisy Ennen
Minister of Word and Sacrament
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